Chassis Dynos competition
Brand: Saenz
inertial and inertial with electric brake – Double and Simple Traction
BPVI is a very easy to install and run dyno. With high inertia to ensure engines develop their power on the tests, making them repeatable and accurate. Only one person perform quick accurate tests from the car.
Roll diameter is 600mm what simulates the contact between wheel and road avoiding big rolling losses and reducing the chance of measuring mistakes and allowing higher test speeds. Rolls edge can hold more than 2500kg per edge vehicles and their surface do not allow sliding.
Chassis dynos test the complete vehicle, measures power and can also be a powerful tool for diagnosis. Measurements are done on the wheel and the power the wheel deliver is first measurement, transmission losses between engine and wheel can also be measured, and so the engine power. They allow to make tests inside the shop avoiding road tests which are dangerous and give much more information. They make several dyno alternatives: inertial, with hydraulic or electric brakes and combined; for cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles and kart.