ROTTLER cutting insert 9.52 mm - radius 1.6 mm

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  • Description

RT322F (Precision Counterboring and Finishing)

A 3/8” (9.52 mm) IC triangular, uncoated insert with a 1/32” (1.6 mm) cutting radius. Gives the best finish results when machining precision counter bores often machined in diesel engine blocks. A feed rate of .004” - .008” (.05 mm - .1 mm) should be used to obtain a typical surface finish. When machining large counter bores typically found in Cummins or Cat Blocks, a feed rate of .002 - .004/rev. (.05 mm - .1 mm/rev) should be used. When cutting gray cast iron use a speed in the 300 - 800 S.F.P.M. area for best productivity and tool life. Tool life of this insert is significantly less than the RT322.